Tue, Jul 04, 2023Athlete Spotlight - Michelle Campbell

You might recognize our featured athlete for July - as she is often showcased in photos and videos on Somersault's social media! Michelle is a good friend of the series and is always up to promote the sport of triathlon. Check out her multisport journey and her 2023 race plans that saw an unexpected pivot below.

How did you get into triathlon/duathlon?

After a few years of training for marathons, I wanted a different challenge so I decided to give triathlon a go! I have done all three sports, just never together. So I signed up for the National Capital Sprint Triathlon and had a blast! It has been my training focus since that first event.

What is your favourite Somersault event? What is your favourite event distance?

I really love The Canadian, it's a great course, and the finish at Terry Fox is such a fun atmosphere. My favourite distance? That's a tough one, I think the Olympic distance is my favourite because I love the longer swim, the bike is one you can still go fast and have plenty left for a strong run.

Describe your 2023 multisport and running plans!

The rest of 2023 is looking to have more running plans! I just finished up training for the 70.3 in Mont Tremblant, which was sadly canceled, though absolutely the right call! I am going to leverage all those fitness gains and do something in the next few weeks. I plan on working on my running speed for the rest of the summer though, with the aim to put that training to work at Fall Colours, going for a personal best on the 5k.

What is your best piece of advice for someone new to multisport racing?

Stay calm! There are so many moving parts in multisport events; gear, transitions, nutrition, mental and physical strength, and time. It's easy to get overwhelmed, and you likely will, but just take a few breaths and remember you know what to do, the months of training and planning have prepared you for this. Also, learn to change a rear tube, quickly!

Thank you Michelle, for sharing your story! We're cheering you on for a PB at Fall Colours!

Do you have a special 2023 goal or multisport journey you would like to share? Email elizabeth@somersault.ca if you are interested in being featured in our next athlete spotlight. 

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